
Calgary Impaired Driving Twitter Posts

It’s the key principle of a police checkstop: the locations are kept under wraps, so drunk drivers can’t easily avoid them. But in a social-media era, that’s not always the case. Police officers across Canada continue to grapple with Twitter users revealing the location of impaired driving checkstops, which ramp up during the holiday season. An Edmonton bar was under fire for revealing one such location, and last week, Alberta’s Minister of Justice and Solicitor-General Jonathan Denis took to Twitter himself to berate the user behind an account dedicated entirely to revealing locations of Calgary checkstops. More Related to this Story Globe editorial Accused drunk-drivers deserve a chance to defend themselves against fallible breathalyzers Ask Joanne If my guests drive drunk, am I responsible? Gary Mason The next frontier against drunk driving video Video: Twitter abuzz after baby allegedly named 'Hashtag' Globe Video video Video: Journalists and Twitter: Nev...
Calgary police say drunk drivers not getting the message CBC News Posted: Dec 18, 2012 7:00 AM MT Last Updated: Dec 19, 2012 9:12 PM MT Facebook 3 Twitter 7 Share 10 Email Related Related Stories New impaired driving penalties hit Alberta roads Candlelight vigil held for Cochrane teen killed in crash Man in critical condition following N.E. Calgary crash Despite several public campaigns against impaired driving, Acting Insp. Michael Watterston of the Calgary police say some people just aren't getting the message. “We've still got a lot of work to do," Watterston said. "It's disheartening in that sense — over and above all the messaging that has gone out we continue to see this." It’s also disheartening for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, an organization that lobbies against drunk driving. Denis Dubyk, spokesperson for MADD, says she d...

Alberta's new impaired driving laws

'Intelligent people' understand Alberta's new impaired driving laws. 'Ignorant' people don't, say city cops Edmonton Sun scribes find out how much booze is too much By Pamela Roth ,Edmonton Sun First posted: Saturday, December 08, 2012 01:41 PM MST | Updated: Sunday, December 09, 2012 12:55 PM MST Article 3 Change text size for the story Print this story Report an error Related Stories Drunken crime spree leads to six years in prison for Edmonton man Former Edmonton driving instructor 'very, very, very lucky' to avoid jail time after making $300 bribe Edmonton woman jailed after drunken head-on crash Sask. now has toughest DUI sentence in Canada Vigil for crash victims No...

Calgary Impaired Driving Law

Impaired driving law still hazy Details Published on Thursday, 25 October 2012 16:52 Written by Riad Kadri Many Calgarians are still unsure what .05 blood alcohol level really means With Alberta's new impaired driving laws in effect, many Calgarians are still unaware of what having a blood alcohol level of .05 really means. That's the minimum level that will now result in a three-day licence suspension and a three-day vehicle seizure. Representatives of the restaurant industry say it's a damper on business and many just don't know what it takes to hit that level. Jordan Humenjuk is a Mount Royal University student who goes out for drinks about twice a week. He is still unclear about the new laws and the penalties that come with it, but he has a good enough understanding and plays it safe when he goes out. " I don't think anybody really knows their limit, I mean how can you?" Humenjuk said. "If I feel fine to drive I can go out...

Calgary Driving Impaired Laws

Calgary Driving Impaired Laws- A Calgary man faces drunk driving charges in the fatal crash Thursday near Cochrane for allegedly driving at twice the legal blood-alcohol limit. As police across the province crack down on seasonal drunk driving with increased checkstops, they say the incident is another reminder of the dangers of impaired driving. “Somebody’s going to be missing their son at Christmas this year,” said RCMP Sgt. Audrey Robinson. “We keep saying, please don’t drink and drive and this is one of the tragic results of it. Think of what you’re doing. Think of the decisions you’re making and the impact that they can have.” Police said the man was driving a pickup truck south in the northbound lane on Highway 22, three kilometres south of Cochrane, shortly after 6 p.m. The truck side-swiped two oncoming vehicles and both were forced to take evasive action, police said. One vehicle that was attempting to avoid the truck rolled three times in the ditch. The...

Calgary Drunk Driving Laws | Alberta

Albertans challenge drunk driving law that suspends licences indefinitely Monday, November 26, 2012 6:16 PM File photo RELATED Alberta lawyers set to challenge province's impaired driving law New impaired driving penalties now in effect in Alberta Stricter penalties for drunk drivers start Canada Day Blowing over 0.05 may take less drinks than you think Hospitality industry slams proposed changes to impaired driving legislation EDMONTON - A few Albertans who have lost their driver's licences under the province's new drunk driving law are challenging the legislation in court. Edmonton lawyer Fred Kozak represents the group and expects the paperwork to be filed in court this week. He's not certain it's the first challenge to the law but hasn't heard of any others. He plans to argue that the law presumes guilt and violates people's rights by suspending their licences indefinite...