Calgary Impaired Driving Twitter Posts
It’s the key principle of a police checkstop: the locations are kept under wraps, so drunk drivers can’t easily avoid them. But in a social-media era, that’s not always the case. Police officers across Canada continue to grapple with Twitter users revealing the location of impaired driving checkstops, which ramp up during the holiday season. An Edmonton bar was under fire for revealing one such location, and last week, Alberta’s Minister of Justice and Solicitor-General Jonathan Denis took to Twitter himself to berate the user behind an account dedicated entirely to revealing locations of Calgary checkstops. More Related to this Story Globe editorial Accused drunk-drivers deserve a chance to defend themselves against fallible breathalyzers Ask Joanne If my guests drive drunk, am I responsible? Gary Mason The next frontier against drunk driving video Video: Twitter abuzz after baby allegedly named 'Hashtag' Globe Video video Video: Journalists and Twitter: Nev...